OS4X plugin os4xplugin eerp

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Enqueue positive EERPs for every file contained in the initial job XML.


  • File /etc/os4x.conf or configuration file referenced by environment variable $OS4X_CFGFILE. The temporary directory and the license file are obtained via the database that is configured here.
  • OFTP2: All files in the initial job XML must exist in the file system, either in the position given in the initial job XML or relatively with the same filename in the job's directory defined in the actual job XML.


In order to make this plugin work correctly, the ENGDAT abstract file (if any) is not removed by the plugin "remove ENGDAT" in the "receive plugin group" from the initial job XML, but later (i.e. the recipient's plugin group). Otherwise the ENGDAT abstract file will never be acknowledged.

Return codes

  • 0: everything OK