OS4X Enterprise
partner/user management
Location management
creating location editing location deleting location
department management
creating department editing department moving department deleting department
person management
creating person editing person moving person deleting person
Plugin philosophy
OS4X Server-side plugin philosophy
additional binary documentation
On top of OS4X Core, OS4X Enterprise introduces some new programs, needed for the handling of OS4X Enterprise. These programs are:
Server plugin documentation
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_engdat_light
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_engdatv2_encode
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_engdatv2_decode
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_enqueue
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_enqueue_passive
OS4X plguin os4xplugin_filetype_recognizer
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_remove_engdat
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_set_absolute_to_real_filename
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_set_rec_in_xml_by_db
OS4X plugin os4xplugin_set_recipient_by_engdat_light