Creating person

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Refering article: OS4X Enterprise partner management

In order to add a new recipient, click on the "Add" button when having selected the corresponding department or "parallel" user:

This leads you to the "insert recipient" form. The following entries should be filled for a good EDI user:

  • name
  • surname
  • E-mail address
  • address code (mostly 5 or 13 characters long, beginning with an alphabetical character)
  • technical contact (if any other user is contained in this company)
  • for internal users: a username with a given authentification mode (internal with password or PAM)

Most of these entries are used by the ENGDAT encoding and decoding plugins.

The "alternative OFTP parameters" are (as declared) optional and may be used by specific plugins (i.e. the OS4X plugin os4xplugin_recipient_by_sfid and/or OS4X plugin os4xplugin_sender_by_sfid).

Insert recipient.png