OS4X Enterprise Lite - allowed plugins

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The following named plugins are allowed in OS4X Enterprise Lite:

  • ENGDAT v2 decode: interpret an included ENGDAT abstract file to a machine readable format
  • ENGDAT v2 encode: add an ENGDATv2 abstract file to the job
  • enqueue to OS4X: enqueue files to the OS4X Core component (-> send the files)
  • filetype recognizer: try to recognize the filetype. Needed for ENGDAT interoperability.
  • remove ENGDAT: remove a found ENGDAT abstract file from job because it confuses normal users
  • set absolute to real filename: set the filename of files to the ones set in the job definition changed by the ENGDATv2 decoding plugin
  • set recipient by ENGDAT light: try to find a valid recipient for this job via an address code given in a well-defined position in the virtual filename
  • set recipient in XML by OS4X job database value: after having interpreted an ENGDAT, the XML doesn't neccessarily take over the value from the database
  • set sender in XML by OS4X job database value: -""-
  • copy plugin: copy all files of the job to a temporary directory with a temporary name
  • filecopy plugin: copy all files of the job to a configured target directory (creating the directory if it doesn't exist)
  • filemove plugin: move all files of the job into a configured target directory (creating the directory if it doesn't exist)
  • create internal job plugin: creating an internal incoming job from an outgoing job by referencing the files only
  • delete plugin: delete all files of the job
  • delete initial job directory plugin: delete the initial job directory (useful after having copied the files)
  • OS4X plugin os4xplugin_filerename

Using other plugins results in the need for an OS4X Enterprise license (not "Lite"/"Light").