OS4X plugin os4xplugin charset convert

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This plugin changes the character set of all files in the job from a configured source character set to the configured target character set. An optional maximum file size limits the conversion of the files found. Errors in character set conversion can be ignored, so that in the event of an error, the original file can continue to be used. The output file is saved with a temporary name in temp. Directory created by OS4X, the file suffix is ​​"_charset_converted.job_[Job number]".


  • File /etc/os4x.conf or configuration file referenced by environment variable $OS4X_CFGFILE. The temporary directory and the license file are obtained via the database that is configured here.


All available character sets in the configuration pull-down menu can be used as character sets (currently over 1100).

  • source_charset: Source character set (default "ISO-8859-15")
  • target_charset: Target character set (default "ISO-8859-15")
  • maxsize: Maximum file size of those files that are still being processed with the plugin. A value of 0 disables checking and converts all files.
  • ignore_conversion_errors: a boolean switch to ignore any conversion issues.

Return codes

  • 0: everything OK
  • 1: Number of parameters != 1; Config file /etc/os4x.conf not found; Config in database not readable; License not valid; XML file invalid or conversion errors