OS4X plugin os4xplugin virt filename2recipient mapping
With static definitions, define the recipient via the virtual filename(s) of a job. In case of multiple files in the job, a loop over all files will be executed, where overwriting of recipient rules is possible.
The "own company" field must be configured in "Configuration" -> "OS4X Enterprise" -> "Basic" -> "Define own company". This entity limits the possible recipients for jobs.
All configuration is done in "Configuration" -> "OS4X Enterprise" -> "Plugins" -> "Virt. filename to recipients plugin" via the "Configure" button. The virtual filename of the job is being used for analyses. Possible methods are:
- exact match
- begins with
- ends with
- contains
- doesn't contain
- doesn't start with
- doesn't end with
All definitions are case sensitive.
If a match occurs, the rule may stop further processing by activating the "Stop after match" checkbox.
A freely configurable comment will be displayed in the plugin logs for better analyses.
Since OS4X release 2020-05-14, the plugin is capable to execute the rule
- RegExp compiles
This type of configuration uses the PCRE library to compile regular expressions. If a match occurs, the rule applies.