OS4X create log dumps
What are OS4X dumps?
OS4X log dumps are binary files containing deep information about the system, like SQL statements, their results, network traffic, OFTP status information etc. Every OS4X program generates OS4X log messages, which are organized by the daemon "os4xdebugd
" (OS4X debug daemon).
In order to get an OS4X debug dump file, the daemon must be running. Verify this by checking the daemon's running state. The daemon must be running at least for three seconds in order to gather all needed information.
Normal behaviour
All OS4X programs send their log information to the OS4X debug daemon. The daemon uses a ring buffer to save the logged messages, so with a limited amount of entries, the daemon will overwrite old entries when the buffer is full. The daemon process size depends on the amount of entries saved in memory. The more entries are configured, the bigger the process grows. A normal state should be about 2-5 MB in memory.
Generating a dump
When a critical situation occurs, the daemon should be initialized to dump its content to an OS4X debug dump file. This can be in two ways:
- via web GUI
- via command line