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== Zweck ==
Setzt in der übergebenen XML den Adressaten des Auftrags anhand des virtuellen Filenamens und dem darin enthaltenen Adresscodes. Sobald mehrere Treffer für denselben Adresscode gefunden wurden wird der letzte Datenbankeintrag genutzt.
== Purpose ==
Sets the addressee of the order in the transferred XML based on the virtual file name and the address code contained therein. As soon as several hits have been found for the same address code, the last database entry is used.
== Voraussetzungen ==
== Requirements ==
* File <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> or configuration file referenced by environment variable <code>$OS4X_CFGFILE</code>. The temporary directory and the license file are obtained via the database that is configured here.
* Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> bzw. Konfigurationsdatei in der Umgebungsvariable <code>$OS4X_CFGFILE</code> definiert. Über die Datenbank, die hier konfiguriert ist, wird das temporäre Verzeichnis sowie das Lizenzfile bezogen.  
== Konfiguration ==
== Configuration ==
== Rückgabewerte ==
== Return codes ==
*0: alles OK
*0: everything OK
*1: ungültige Anzahl Argumente; Fehler beim Lesen der Configfile; XML nicht valide
*1: Number of parameters != 1; Config file <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> not found
*2: Datenbankkonfiguration nicht lesbar
*2: onfig in database not readable

Latest revision as of 08:44, 29 July 2024


Sets the addressee of the order in the transferred XML based on the virtual file name and the address code contained therein. As soon as several hits have been found for the same address code, the last database entry is used.


  • File /etc/os4x.conf or configuration file referenced by environment variable $OS4X_CFGFILE. The temporary directory and the license file are obtained via the database that is configured here.



Return codes

  • 0: everything OK
  • 1: Number of parameters != 1; Config file /etc/os4x.conf not found
  • 2: onfig in database not readable