Difference between revisions of "OS4X plugin os4xplugin copy"

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== Zweck ==
Dieses Plugin kopiert alle im Auftrag enthaltenen Dateien in den OS4X-temp-Ordner und ändert die XML-File ab. Grundlage der Informationen ist die übergebene XML-Datei.
== Purpose ==
Jede File-Eintrag der XML erhält zusätzlich den Eintrag "<code>type="copy"</code>" (dieser Eintrag führt dazu, dass am Ende der Plugin-Abarbeitung diese Datei gelöscht wird).
This plugin copies all files contained in the order into the OS4X temporary folder and modifies the XML file. The information is based on the XML file transferred.
Each XML file entry also receives the entry "<code>type="copy"</code>" (this entry causes this file to be deleted at the end of the plugin processing).
== Voraussetzungen ==
== Requirements ==
* File <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> or configuration file referenced by environment variable <code>$OS4X_CFGFILE</code>. The temporary directory and the license file are obtained via the database that is configured here.
* Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> bzw. Konfigurationsdatei in der Umgebungsvariable <code>$OS4X_CFGFILE</code> definiert. Über die Datenbank, die hier konfiguriert ist, wird das temporäre Verzeichnis sowie das Lizenzfile bezogen.
== Configuration ==
* Target folder is in the OS4X configuration table &lt;tableprefix&gt;<code>configurations</code> (default: <code>os4x_configuration</code>") in line <code>name</code>=<code>tmp_directory</code >
== Konfiguration ==
== Return codes ==
*0: everything OK
* Zielordner ist in der OS4X-Konfigurationstabelle &lt;tableprefix&gt;<code>configurations</code> (default: <code>os4x_configuration</code>") in Zeile <code>name</code>=<code>tmp_directory</code>
*1: Number of parameters != 1; Config file <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> not found; Config in database not readable; License not valid; XML file invalid
*5: File in OS4X job does not exist.
== Rückgabewerte ==
*254: Copy of a file not possible (copy cannot be written)
0: alles OK
*255: Copy of a file not possible (original not readable)
1: Anzahl Parameter != 1; Configfile <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code> nicht gefunden; Config in Datenbank nicht lesbar; Lizenz nicht gültig; XML-File ungültig
5: Datei in OS4X-Job existiert nicht.
254: Kopie einer Datei nicht möglich (Kopie nicht schreibbar)
255: Kopie einer Datei nicht möglich (Original nicht lesbar)

Latest revision as of 08:30, 29 July 2024


This plugin copies all files contained in the order into the OS4X temporary folder and modifies the XML file. The information is based on the XML file transferred. Each XML file entry also receives the entry "type="copy"" (this entry causes this file to be deleted at the end of the plugin processing).


  • File /etc/os4x.conf or configuration file referenced by environment variable $OS4X_CFGFILE. The temporary directory and the license file are obtained via the database that is configured here.


  • Target folder is in the OS4X configuration table <tableprefix>configurations (default: os4x_configuration") in line name=tmp_directory

Return codes

  • 0: everything OK
  • 1: Number of parameters != 1; Config file /etc/os4x.conf not found; Config in database not readable; License not valid; XML file invalid
  • 5: File in OS4X job does not exist.
  • 254: Copy of a file not possible (copy cannot be written)
  • 255: Copy of a file not possible (original not readable)