OS4X Enterprise job archive restore

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If you have an archive system which is capable to inform OS4X that an OS4X Enterprise job is archived, you can update the database of OS4X. After the information is available that the job is archived, the administrative web interface offers a restore functionality. The ID of the archiving must be numerical.

Your job restore mechanism must support JSONP requests. There are several ways to achieve this, please consult your archiving provider how to implement such a functionality.

If you want to use single-sign on for this web request, the domain of the OS4X administrative web interface must be the same as the JSONP service URL, example:

This functionality was introduces with OS4X release 2017-08-22.

Task to be done when archiving a job

You have to update the job record in OS4X's database:

  • Table: [tableprefix_]jobs, default: os4x_jobs
  • Column: archive_id

The default of the value for this column is NULL, so if you want to reset the archive value, please update it to NULL value.

Configuring job restore

Using job restore