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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:36:47Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == openSSL == OS4X 2 uses parts of openSSL for the following functionalities: *TLS server code *file signing and verification *file encryption and decrpytion  ''This product includes softw..."
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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:41:22Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Plugin philosophy ==  [[OS4X Server-side plugin philosophy]]   == Server plugin documentation ==  [[OS4X plugin mail_to_recipient]]  [[OS4X plugin mail_to_sender]]  [[OS4X plugin os4xpl..."
                        "revid": 26,
                        "parentid": 7,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:01:24Z",
                        "comment": "/* Server plugin documentation */"
                        "revid": 28,
                        "parentid": 26,
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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:42:39Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == german ==  Server-seitige Plugins werden (wie der Name schon aussagt) am OS4X-Server ausgef\u00fchrt. Plugins k\u00f6nnen ausf\u00fchrbare Dateien sein, daher k\u00f6nnen es Binaries oder Scripte (Shel..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "OS4X Server-side plugin philosophy"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:43:18Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==  Dieses Plugin sendet eine Informationsmail an den Empf\u00e4nger eines Auftrags. Grundlage der Informationen ist die \u00fcbergebene XML-Datei.  == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/..."
                        "revid": 23,
                        "parentid": 9,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:51:57Z",
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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:43:50Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==  Dieses Plugin sendet eine Informationsmail an den Absender eines Auftrags. Grundlage der Informationen ist die \u00fcbergebene XML-Datei.  == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/et..."
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                "title": "OS4X plugin mail to sender"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:44:20Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==  Dieses Plugin kopiert alle im Auftrag enthaltenen Dateien in den OS4X-temp-Ordner und \u00e4ndert die XML-File ab. Grundlage der Informationen ist die \u00fcbergebene XML-Datei. Jede ..."
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                        "parentid": 11,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:14:08Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin copy"
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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:44:54Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==  \u00c4nderung des virtuellen Filenamens in der XML-File eines Auftrags f\u00fcr jede Datei. Grundlage ist der Adresscode des Adressaten. Falls dieser l\u00e4nger als 5 Stellen ist, werden..."
                        "revid": 30,
                        "parentid": 12,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:15:15Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin engdat light"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:46:02Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==  Erzeugung einer ENGDAT v2 abstract file, basierend auf den Parametern des Auftrags. Die Abstract-File wird dem Auftrag hinzugef\u00fcgt. Die bestehenden Dateien werden gem\u00e4\u00df ENG..."
                        "revid": 31,
                        "parentid": 13,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:18:19Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin engdatv2 encode"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:46:20Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==   == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ==  -  == R\u00fcckgabewerte == 0: alles OK"
                        "revid": 32,
                        "parentid": 14,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:24:37Z",
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                        "user": "Admin",
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                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==   == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ==  -  == R\u00fcckgabewerte == 0: alles OK"
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                        "parentid": 18,
                        "user": "Admin",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin set recipient by engdat light"
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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:47:46Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==   == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ==  -  == R\u00fcckgabewerte == 0: alles OK"
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                        "parentid": 19,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:56:26Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin set sender in xml by db"
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                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:48:03Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==   == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ==  -  == R\u00fcckgabewerte == 0: alles OK"
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                        "parentid": 20,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:50:25Z",
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                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==   == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ==  -  == R\u00fcckgabewerte == 0: alles OK"
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                        "parentid": 21,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:52:27Z",
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                        "parentid": 41,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:53:55Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin set absolute to real filename"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T11:48:32Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==  Entfernen der ENGDAT abstract file aus dem Auftrag (XML) sowie l\u00f6schen der Datei im Filesystem.  == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ..."
                        "revid": 40,
                        "parentid": 22,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:51:12Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin remove engdat"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:01:44Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == Zweck ==   == Voraussetzungen ==  * Datei <code>/etc/os4x.conf</code>  == Konfiguration ==  -  == R\u00fcckgabewerte == 0: alles OK"
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                        "parentid": 27,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:43:38Z",
                        "comment": ""
                        "revid": 38,
                        "parentid": 37,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T12:44:58Z",
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                "title": "OS4X plugin os4xplugin filetype recognizer"
                "pageid": 21,
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T13:03:50Z",
                        "comment": "New page: [[OS4X Core Environment variables]]  [[OS4X Core - List of returncodes]]  [[OS4X Core scripts]]"
                        "revid": 47,
                        "parentid": 46,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T13:04:11Z",
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                "ns": 0,
                "title": "OS4X Core"
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                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T13:07:44Z",
                        "comment": "New page: Some environment variables are created and/or set by all OS4X binaries. These variables are:  *<code>OS4X_CFGFILE</code>: OS4X main configuration file (absolute path information)  *<code>O..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "OS4X Core environment variables"
                "pageid": 23,
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T13:13:35Z",
                        "comment": "New page: == os4xeq == *0: everything OK or help was displayed  *1: configfile /etc/os4x.conf not readable  *2: config from database not readable  *3: no parameters given  *4: problem with file (tak..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "OS4X Core - list of returncodes"
                "pageid": 24,
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                        "revid": 50,
                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Admin",
                        "timestamp": "2007-03-27T13:27:29Z",
                        "comment": "New page: The scripts in an OS4X distribution are divided in two parts:  [[OS4X Core administrative scripts]] - i.e. for migration, backup etc.  [[OS4X Core event scripts]] - event handling in OFTP ..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "OS4X Core scripts"